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Monday, 2 March 2015

How is Union Budget 2015-16 beneficial to poor?


 "Kuch to ful khilaye hain, kuch abhi khilane hain, par baagh mein ab bhi kaante kuchh puraney hain," (We have made some progress and are working towards achieving more goals, but there are some hindrances in the way).
Yes this criticizers wont look the positive aspects and be a hindrance to our growth. But the positive seekers can definitely create some positiveness out of the things criticized. This is how we prosper.

  The attitude should be:
      More You Criticize, More I would prosper.

How is Union Budget 2015-16 beneficial to the poor?
The Budget was growth oriented and there can be no growth without the help of poor people. This budget wasn't meant to please people, it was meant to develop the country they live in which will naturally improve the quality of life and subsequently help them.
I just heard one famous personality saying that Union Budget 2015-16 is not beneficial for the poor.He might be correct from his point of view.
I just jotted down few points which shows that Union Budget 15-16 is beneficial to the poor.
Your opinions are also welcome.

Let’s have a look at how union budget 15-16 is beneficial to the poor.
Several quarters have expressed some grief over not getting any 'direct benefit'.  Perhaps they expected the FM to hand out some gold coins, diamonds, and TVs? 
Direct benefits may be less but indirect are many.
  • The government has proposed to build 6crores home under the programme ’Housing For All’. Direct Benefit: People would get a roof. Indirect Benefit: Poor people would be involved in making the houses. They are the ones who are hired for construction purpose. They would be employed, they will earn a wage and would also get a roof.
  • All homes must be connected to roads. Direct Benefit: No one would be isolated. Everyone would be connected. Indirect Benefit: Roads would be constructed by the poors only, they will earn a wage.
  •  Jan Dhan to Jan Suraksha. Direct Benefit to senior citizens below poverty line: A new scheme for providing Physical Aids and Assisted Living Devices for Senior Citizes living below the poverty line. Unclaimed Deposits of about Rs 3000 crores in the PPF, and approximately Rs 600 crores in the EPS corpus to be appropriated to subsidize the premium of Senior Citizen Welfare Fund.

The big thrust on infrastructure was expected, and we know that for the Railways alone, an infrastructure spend of one rupee has a ripple effect of five rupees on the economy.It is the big spending on infrastructure that almost always directly benefits the economy by boosting job creation, and by increasing liquidity, activity and development across all sectors.

I have not included all the points. I just wanted to give an idea that many of the announcements are indirectly linked to poor. They are the ones who help to build up the assets in the economy.  A rich person just pays the amount but the poor are the ones who work hard to earn that amount.

So if rules are eased for doing business or if there is a corporate tax reduction to 25% which will motivate the entrepreneurs or corporates it will lead to job creation and common man will be employed.  If common man or a poor person chooses to remain common or in poverty,if he chooses not to play his part and if he chooses just to relax and waits for the government to give him diamonds and make him rich, then he would never be able to come out of the common group or poverty.
Structural changes and an ideological shift is happening in governance. Hell won't break lose if tax slabs remain unchanged in a budget and remember that the poor don’t pay tax. We should be patient. Its a long road to recovery and Ache Din.

In the words of Ronald Reagan:
"We didn't get into this mess overnight; We aren't going to get out of it overnight".

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