is just in a play. What we do is just a play. It influences people, impacts
their mind for few moments. The next day they wake up, all impacts are lost. We
try to make people aware by posters, dramas, street plays, etc. People take it
as entertainment. Do we, the participants, ensure that something fruitful
happened, do we ensure that somebody really changed or not? No, we just perform
our duties and leave the place and so do others. We just know how to raise our
voice and words. The participants need to do something that puts a deep impact
on everyone’s mind and they do really change.
one is participating in any type of play for a social cause then one needs to
be perfect first or rather ‘tending towards perfectness’(as people say nobody
is perfect in this world). Here, by perfect, I do not mean a perfect actor but
a perfect believer of that cause. One needs to think deeply of the social cause
and think about its cure. What most of the plays show is the cause. Everyone
knows the cause but what the world needs is a cure, ‘a permanent cure’, to that
of play (here street play) do see the poor kids around them while performing.
The situation is such that those poor kids who don’t even know their national
anthem just enjoy the play and once when the play is about to get over, they
see a good opportunity to ask for money and food from the gathered crowd.
Participants of the play too see those kids asking for food. What participants
seek is the opportunity to ask for a party, for performing well, from their
head. The moment the head starts praising participants, they ask for a party.
So here the real participants of the play shouldn’t ask for a party for
spreading awareness of a social cause and if they are asking for a party then
it should not be for themselves but for those poor hungry kids, then it would
be so good. Even people around would be assured that the participants are not
just actors but they do really feel for it.
one participates in such plays then one must have the real feelings so people who
see the participants after the play gets over do feel that they are not just actors
but real believers. Then the people around would also get inspired to change.
Just remember if you are doing something for a social cause just don’t ask for
a return, just don’t think about profit. If you are a seeker of profit then
just think that whatever you do for a social cause adds up to your karmic
I totally agree with u. Now days street plays are common can see them for so many cause and soany people partcipeting.but non of the particepent do with 100% efforts. They do just for enjoyment, fame and time pass.
ReplyDeleteI too agree with your point.Very few people give their 100%. And for whatsoever reason they are participating...be it enjoyment,fame or timepass....hats off to them that they are atleast participating....but these participants dont understand that if they participate thinking it as 'an enjoyment,fame or timepass' then it would not put a major impact on audience's mind.