Now it'll be "Two O Two One".
Immediately a kid exclaimed, "It's Two Zero Two One!" Kid added, "Don't you know numerals?"
The person replied, "Dear, 'O' sounds cooler than zero."
Kid said, "I thought you haven't done your schooling properly."
Person replied, " Dear, we learnt numerals thik se only, but in order to sound modern hum 'O' bolte hai not zero. "
Kid replied, "Oh, Now I understand, that must be the same reason why people simultaneously use multiple languages to express themselves. I thought people mistakenly innovate their own language due to lack of proper schooling!
Person's friend interrupted, "Dear, speaking 'O' is absolutely fine. It's included in dictionary too!"
Kid replied, "Oh! Fine. That's acceptable. But, what about expressing oneself in fused language? It may sound cooler to many but dumber to ones who are in their initial levels of schooling like me! In cooler words- After hearing fused language school mein jo properly sikhte hai uska fuse udd jata hai!"
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