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Saturday, 6 July 2019

'Will'- A Review by Younas Rehman Younas

Presenting review of the poem, 'Will'
( The Poetry Forum ).

A Review by Sir Younas Rehman Younas-

Though a short poem , it has an ocean of wisdom enshrined in it.

We all are endowed with will and willpower . yet it remains , it may remain subject to fluctuations.  The worst downside of the same is when we feel utterly disappointed or devoid of any drive . this brings us to a standstill.   How to get out of that quagmire ?  when we feel so broken down that we feel we lack any will .
The poetess , like a young ,energetic leader , and a prophet , has given a very beautiful solution , which is also the only solution .

To accomplish the Will
Give up standing still

This does need a thrill,  a dose to kill the germs that deaden us while living biologically alive but dynamically dead . The poetess , like a healing messiah has prescribed the healing medication as :

Progress and feel accountable
To fill a vibrant profile

This enlivening of sense of consciousness to self  accountability is the vital force that can revive and resuscitate our deadening spirits .

The process has taught us to remain hopeful ,gleeful and cheerful,  as divine force is there to strengthen and support us if we discard the sensation of feeling gloomy .  smile is the first prerequisite to face all odds . Life isn't too long and we shouldn't sacrifice it at the alter of remaining sad . the poetess , in this vein , advises us to :
Smile and be loveable
As we live for a while

The poetess concludes this poem with more beautiful lines that furnish us with the greatest fountain head of energy, strength and support , i.e. the divine help that overpowers all the decelerating forces . She says :

Let the Goodwill and God's Will ,
Define the lifestyle!

True , we should refer the outcome to the will of God , and with fullest trust and faith in His mighty being , we must remain equipped with unfailing hope , and keep on unflinching struggle to fight the battle of life and meet its challenges

All accolade to the learned poetess for having composed a very thought provoking and spirit evoking ink.

Life poem

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