Check what % Best are You?
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Share this amazing result with your friends and let them know how much % best are you?(//Mark 2:Again You are contributing to the promotion of site)
Congratulations!!!You are one of the unique person.Its an extraordinary result!You are the BEST person on this universe.People around you feel lucky to have you as your friend.People would love to talk to you.(Different types of pampering continues....)
Share this result with your friends.(//Mark 3:They again remind to share,though anyone would share such an amazing result)
People have less time and they would love the site which makes them feel unique in such less time.These sites always generate the best results for everyone and get promotion at no extra cost.Busy people,who get time to take such test,feel relaxed with such result and immediately start sharing it on social media and contribute to the promotion of other sites in their precious time.They start taking more and more test to see the result that would definitely make them happy. At the end they regret spending their time on these sites which made them feel unique.They gradually become no one in this world but that site definitely ranks 97% higher in google ranking.They earn publicity(in turn money) taking your time and in turn they pay you pampering to make you feel unique.Fair Enough!Right?Thanks to you all for helping them promote their sites and motivating others to make more of such entertaining sites where one would love to waste time and at a later stage regret wasting time.
Hope you feel a bit awakened now.Why to depend on others to make you feel unique?Don't you trust yourself?You are definitely unique.Every person is unique in his/her own way and thats the reason when you are standing somewhere and OTHERS arrive,we say or rather use the word OTHERS means someone different from you is arriving,some other person is coming.It depends on you whether you want to maintain your uniqueness or not.If you want to be just like the rest, want to be like some other person,want to get 97% best result in virtual world to show it off to others,you too become just the other one to see their result.If you have confidence in you then you are sure to rule both the real and virtual worlds and then you would be in the trending list,"not like others", with your own story of uniqueness.
Anyways this site also generated a BEST RESULT for you.Wont you share it?
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