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Friday, 29 January 2016



A mother is separated from her child when child is given attractive toys.Child gets engaged in playing with toys.When the toy breaks,the child gets reminded of mother.
The same happens with higher spirit.We are separated from it as we remain engaged in worldly affairs.When something goes wrong we get reminded of higher spirit. It is upon us whether we remain engaged with toys or loving mother that is we remain engaged with materialistic things or the higher spirit.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Selfie with distant person

Selfie with distant person

                       CONTENT HIDDEN

                                   (In the world of selfies... ...take a selfie with distant person.)

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

External decreases, Internal Increases.

External decreases, Internal Increases.

Wondering what the title is?

Well,everyone possesses both internal and external.
Did you get it?
When you give away a physical good to someone,that good reduces from your stock, i.e "external" decreases.
When you get angry on someone,give away what's in your mind,it increases.( That is internal increases).Suppose,if I get angry on you,your anger might multiply and my angry thoughts are sure to increase and we would surely pass on our anger.So "internal" increases.
When you share your Knowledge, yours would increase just like anger because its an internal thing.Check out social media sites which will prove that how much the internal thing increases,i.e,knowledge shared increases, it moves on and on. As a result, whole knowledge base increases.So keep sharing knowledge as it is sure to increase.
It is the external/materialistic things that decrease but internal things are sure to increase.If you share your knowledge it won't get reduced from your stock, instead it would increase at a multiple rate. You might discover something new while sharing your knowledge with others and just imagine that when there's a knowledge based interaction, at what rate the knowledge base increases!
What a knowledgeable community it would be!
In order to live in such a good community,create one right now by sharing your positive internal thoughts.